Expectations, feelings, facts and balance
There is currently a lot happening at Mina, Zoom classes, one on one sessions, activity packs, crafts, experiments, and lots of learning. There are too the frustrations, technical issues, expectations and of course the children who just want to go back to school to play with their friends.
I don't think there is a parent in our community who isn't wondering when we will reopen, I too think about this constantly as I understand parents being over this whole online schooling-being-at-home( or not )and-trying-to-work juggle. So why haven't we planned yet to open on 6 July when Government says we can?
We sent out a survey asking if parents want to go back and a lot do. We sent out another survey asking how online schooling is going. Almost 70% of parents find value in our offering and see it as beneficial, that means their children are mostly participating in and enjoying the sessions while over 90% are finding the online archive useful. What does all this mean and how does it impact our decision when to reopen?
The facts are that infection rates are climbing, schools around us are opening but closing shortly after because staff or children or their families members have tested positive for COVID. Parents are having to leave work to go into isolation for 2 weeks because children came home having been exposed to people who tested positive. Our school is in an area considered a hot-spot. We are in the early throes of winter and will need to keep our already cold classroom's windows open. We have staff with co morbidities themselves or within their immediate families (spouses and children). These are some of the facts foremost in my mind. So where to from here?
We are planning to go back, we have our preparations in progress, our staff protocols ready and our operating procedures in place. We have a timetable drawn up that ensures minimal contact and maximum use of space. Staff training, scanners, thermometers, sanitisers, signs, arrows, stickers and a video welcoming you all back is on the cards as is a Zoom Q and A with the board, myself and parents. Our return date is not yet fixed and we will communicate further next week. I am available for you to call or email to rant, vent, get support or just share ideas. We are in this together and we have your child and families' best interest at heart.
“That’s not activism. That’s not bringing about change. If all you’re doing is casting stones, you’re probably not going to get that far”